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How to out-Clinton Clinton

Reporter: Is it true that the President went back to a hotel room with a prostitute and sex with her for $1000? Press secretary: Well the real problem is that the President struggled to hear the question and he misunderstood it. Reporter: I’m confused, what question? Press secretary: Well when she approached him, he thought she said “Would you like to see my broom, I use it to clean the decks, it cost $1000. Reporter: That is rather hard to believe, but that notwithstanding, he still went to her room? Press secretary: Well yes, but that’s where the broom was, and it sounded like a really impressive broom so he wanted to be polite and see it. Reporter: And he had sex with her and paid her $1000. Press secretary: You know the liberal fake-news press always does this, they blow everything out of proportion and focus on the wrong thing. Once he got there, she thought she had a deal, and the President didn’t want to go back on what she thought was a deal. I mean who would wa...

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